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화장실에서/화장실 기행

담은글) 일본의 공중화장실 디자인 - Future Studio

Japanese architectural firm Future Studio have designed a series of public restrooms called

“Absolute Arrows,” that have been built in various parks around Hiroshima, Japan.

There were five of these restrooms completed last year, and another seven will be finished
by the end of March, 2010.

화장실용품 쇼핑몰-화장실119 ,핸드드라이어,방향제,물비누,대구 손소독제,신종플루,손청결재,손세정제,냅킨,벽화,점보롤화장지,위생변기시트,화장실표찰,화장실픽토그램,화장실마크,화장실로고,화장실표시,핸드크린,토일렛119,가글,가그린,페이퍼타올,물비누,봉에걸어서 사용하는비누,핸드타올,인쇄냅킨,서울경기대구대림로얄토토한국타올기청결양행오성htm파나소닉미쯔비시핸드드라이어,화장실표찰,화장실픽토그램,화장실표시